Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Into the mists.....

I finished the Mists of Avalon a few days ago. I have tried to write a post about three or four different times. Each time I end up deleting it. I can't seem to talk about what a great story this is without giving away too much. All I will say is that I have read Arthurian based novels in the past. Every single one of them pales in comparison. The first series I read based on this classic story was The Guenevere series by Rosalind Miles. I absolutely loved it. It portrays her as a wild queen dedicated to the old ways. I've also read the Arthurian Saga Series by Mary Stewart. It tells the story from the viewpoint of Merlin. Its very interesting but I didn't enjoy it as much as the Guenevere series. Both of these series are a fun read but they really don't deviate from that good ol' historic epic quest with some romance and magic thrown in to keep it interesting. Mists of Avalon is from the perspective of Morgaine, Arthur's sister. She is a bit of a mystery and often the villain in many Arthurian tales. In Mists of Avalon we meet a girl torn between desire and devotion to doing what she believes it right. Mists makes you wonder what the world would be like if women were not given the role that they were. It makes you want to believe that there really is a world out their among the mists that you can find if only you believe. In that world women are the lawmakers, the peace-keepers, the wise ones. What if our world was run by women. Would it be in the state that it is today? Mists is an epic story with lots of romance and magic, but it is a story that makes you wonder what could be.


Anonymous said...

So glad you enjoyed the book. It's one of my all time favorites and I've read it more times than is reasonable to admit. ;)

TrueMirage said...

I read this when it first came out, having been an MZB fan for a long time. Like samantha, I don't think I care to admit how many times I've read it - actually, not sure I even remember. it's phenomenal. sadly, I don't think MZB ever did nearly as well again.

When I"m Not Reading.....